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7Mar08:   NT Services website is born and begins to take on its dynamic  form.   The website is and will undoubtedly undergo constant development and receive updates as time allows.   Please continue to visit...
Noel Rusnell, the founder and owner of NT Services endeavors to see a separate and almost unrelated project to fruition in the Salmon River Valley to revive the Salmon Valley Cheese plant operation and to form a Christian co-op comprised of local merchants, producers, and artisans.  Noel is spear-heading efforts to study feasibility issuess, secure start-up capitol and obtain grant information, create and invoke a charter securing the interests of all vested parties,  recruit and retain expertise in the industry, plan and implement the necessary infrastructure, generate community interest and support, and incite participation and involvement by all interested parties.

8Mar08:  NT Services website takes on more pages and a counter is added.  SEO (
Search Engine Optimization) efforts under way. 

Salmon Valley Co-op efforts continue and more contacts made further discussions pending and meeting with CEDA director, Renee Tolman, to discuss feasibility and grant options as well as generate some visibility using the resources the CEDA program was created to provide to rural communities, is scheduled for the first part of the week.

I have been actively involved in youth baseball/softball and other sports organizations as an official since 1996.  As Summer rapidly approaches, the Salmon Community is gearing up for another season of Babe Ruth and American Legion Baseball with Board Elections and player registrations.  It seems that interest and willing participation has virtually compounded in recent years and another fantastic baseball program for the youth to be involved in is developing  into what should remain a legacy for future generations to enjoy.   The first pitch to be thrown on the Mark Sever Memorial Field is expected to happen at the start of this coming season as the field is nearly complete.  More updates to come...


2Jun08:  The last of the two surviving dairies officially closed its doors as the entire French's Dairy Brown-Swiss herd sold to livestock buyers in South Central and Eastern Idaho. After 29 years, Dan French made the executive decision to cease operations following the dramatic increase in cost to transport milk on the Hundred-Weight over recent months.  The amounts he and the other small dairies in the valley had been receiving was less than class 3 price on the hunOther upcoming events:  Community Bible Church will be hosting its annual

It is the week of 17Aug09.  we are embroiled in political and economic turmoil and our very core ethics, beliefs, family values and our basic freedoms which we hold dear are under a massive attack by a liberal socialist left...policy is being forced upon us which smacks of Marxist Totalitarianism and worse.  We once stood as a nation against Totalitarianism, Nazism, Communism and Fascism while Europe, England, The Netherlands, the Middle East, Australia and the rest of the world refused to believe until it was too late. We, with American blood, saved the world from despot megalomaniacs and most important the mediocrity of socialism.

1Feb12: Another election year and we are faced with having to choose who fills the slots in the vending machine...no good choice on any side of the aisle...seems it is time to scrap the current system of government, banking, and education system and return to a simpler and God-centered existence---a return to our country's roots...otherwise, the outlook for this country appears very dismal...God's patience is not one to be tested...and so, there are those of us who remain eagerly awaiting with lamps lit His promised return!


The face of our way of life may have changed forever and they may yet  destroy the fabric of our society but they will never take away the one true freedom which God gave us which assures our salvation by grace through faith.  He WILL prevail against the enemy--so also will we!


MEMBER: Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce in Salmon, ID.

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